Speciality of Jain food

Jain food is known for its unique taste and preparation methods, which are strictly based on the principle of Ahimsa (non-violence). This translates to a completely vegetarian diet that excludes not only meat and eggs, but also root vegetables like potatoes, onions, and garlic, as they are believed to harbor small insects and microorganisms. Additionally, some Jains practice even stricter dietary restrictions, avoiding certain fruits and vegetables that grow underground or have a milky sap.

Here are some of the key specialties of Jain food:

Emphasis on fresh ingredients: Jains believe in using fresh, seasonal ingredients in their cooking. This ensures that the food is not only nutritious but also retains its natural flavors.

Spices and herbs: Jain cuisine is known for its vibrant use of spices and herbs, which add depth and complexity to the dishes. Some of the commonly used spices include cumin, coriander, turmeric, ginger, cloves, and cardamom.

Variety of dishes: Despite the restrictions, Jain cuisine offers a wide variety of dishes, from savory dals and curries to sweet desserts.

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